Hunt for the Oldest DNA

This event will include a live Q&A with the director Niobe Thompson and the director of the preceding short film, Su Rynard. Synopsis: Danish evolutionary geneticist Eske Willerslev is known for his pioneering work sequencing DNA fragments buried in Greenland’s permafrost, unlocking secrets of ancient ecosystems. In Hunt for the Oldest DNA, director Niobe Thompson examines the drive it takes to create preeminent scientific work, delving into the story of a scientist whose singular obsession with creating prestigious research has come with both great success and cost. Dr. Willerslev and his research team have made major revelations about the rich and diverse world of the mild Pliocene era, drawing parallels to the current warming climate, asking important questions about our own survival. *This film will be preceded by short film The Everlasting Pea (Canada, 16min) directed by Su Rynard. Synopsis: An enchanting exploration of plant life that blends scientific inquiry with ancient ruins and mysterious dreamscapes. Through the eyes of a scientist questioning plant consciousness, a pea plant dreaming of its past in Rome’s Colosseum, and a botanist unravelling a mystery, The Everlasting Pea invites a profound reimagining of our relationship with the vegetal world.

  • Niobe Thompson
  • Canada
  • 82 minutes
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About Planet In Focus

Now in our 25th year, Planet in Focus is an environmental media arts organization with year-round programming. Our mandate is to produce cultural events that showcase engaging and artistic films that question, explore and tell stories about the world in which we live. We use film as a catalyst for public awareness, discussion and engagement on a broad range of environmental issues.