LIGHT SWITCH, a new play performing at OSA Sept 13 to 29

LIGHT SWITCH, the hilarious and heartbreaking story of Henry, an autistic gay man, and his journey toward love and acceptance over the span of twenty years.

  • Henry DelBello, Hilary Hensler, Dylan McCumber, Phillip Andrew Monnett, and Peter Manuel Young
  • Michael D. Graham
  • Dave Osmundsen
  • 100 minutes
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About Open Space Arts / Queer Expression / Arts Judaica

Open Space Arts sponsors two programs. ARTS JUDAICA and QUEER EXPRESSION FILM AND THEATER FEST.  

ARTS JUDAICA produces live theater productions, readings, and workshops that combat antisemitism through the arts throughout the year.

QUEER EXPRESSION FILM AND THEATER FEST has three components: full productions of plays September through June; in-person feature films at FACETS; and streaming short and mid-length films that can be streamed from anywhere.

Find more information on all these programs, or submitting your film, play, or screenplay at

OSA membership is $10 per month, and members see all shorts and mid-length contest films for free and get discounted tickets for features..