Letters from Chantal Akerman’s mother are read over a series of elegantly composed shots of 1976 New York, where the filmmaker has relocated. Akerman’s unforgettable time capsule of the city is also a gorgeous meditation on urban alienation and personal and familial disconnection.
The film will be accompanied by a live score composed & performed by Leon Todd Johnson and Rob Funkhouser.
There will also be an opening performance by Landon Caldwell, Mark Tester and Tom Lageveen before the film.
Leon Todd Johnson - e: johnson.leon.t@gmail.com, ig: @leontoddjohnson
Rob Funkhouser - e: funkoftherob@gmail.com, ig: @funkoftherob
Landon Caldwell - e: landonscaldwell@gmail.com, ig: @landonscaldwell
Mark Tester - e: markgeraldtester@gmail.com, ig: @mark_tester
Tom Lageveen - e: tomlageveen@gmail.com, ig: @tomlageveen