This 1987 groundbreaking satire starring and directed by Robert Townsend explores racial stereotypes in film and television. Based on Townsend's own experiences, he takes the many painful rejections, clueless statements from producers, and overall idiocy he encountered as an actor and turns them into an incredibly funny and poignant movie. This film takes place at a pivotal time in Hollywood history, when Eddie Murphy was king of the movies and every studio wanted "an Eddie Murphy type." Brilliant, hysterical, and made on a shoestring in guerilla filming style, this movie is both a cult classic and a revelation.
$3 select drafts. $3 well drinks. Film starts at 8pm.
Hosted by Dylan Roahrig from The Walter Paisley Movie House
Dylan Roahrig was mentally scarred at the tender age of five by the opening scene of Horror Hospital. Since that time, he has spent most of his freetime reading about, watching, and endlessly discussing obscure cult films. His podcast, The Walter Paisley Movie House, which is currently number six on Feedspots' list of the Top 30 Cult Movie Podcasts, features interviews with legends in the world of cult movies and TV. Guests include Lloyd Kaufman, Debbie Rochon, Fred Olen Ray, Bill Rebane, Mark Pirro, James Lorinz, Beverly Washburn, Butch Patrick, Dana Gould, Hyapatia Lee, and the great Jack Hill.