In 1997, 19-year-old Kyle Miller dreams of launching a party backdrop business with his best friend, Eric Hernandez. While Kyle is eager, Eric is reluctant, burdened by his parents' expectations. They skip college, opting to spend a year working on their business plan during routine visits to the local laundromat. One night, a mysterious stranger interrupts their laundry night with words of wisdom and a magic trick. Suddenly, the friends discover they are incapable of lying. As they work together to break the spell, they discover how much is at stake when the truth comes out.

  • Mitchell Wray, Charlie Schultz, Erika Lewandowski
  • Rocky Walls
  • Rocky Walls
  • 71 minutes
  • NR
  • The film will be screened from a VHS tape.

    The screening will have an intro and Q&A with writer/director Rocky Walls.

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About Kan-Kan Cinema and Restaurant

An arthouse cinema. A Japanese tavern–inspired restaurant. Unbelievably good craft cocktails. A neighborhood gathering place. A home for film lovers, food lovers and community seekers proudly serving an indie Indy.