
BENT follows the journey of Max, a gay man in 1930’s Berlin, through the vibrant gay and drag scene of Germany to the devastating horrors of Dachau concentration camp. Along the way we encounter many of Max’s former lovers and his family’s desperate attempts to lead him out of Germany and into safety. Max, concealing his true identity under a yellow star of David, ultimately finds solace in his love for Horst, a fellow prisoner marked with a pink triangle for his homosexuality. Despite their bond in the darkness of the camp, both Max and Horst face tragic fates as victims of hatred, violence, and persecution.

  • Tony Lewis (Director) and Alex Roby (Assistant Director)
  • Martin Sherman
  • 120 minutes
  • R
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CenterStage delivers quality, community theatre and spectacular musicals. Our theatre gives local performers, designers and musicians an opportunity to practice their passions all while fulfilling our collective mission to “open minds, one act at a time.”