LITTLE THINGS THAT WENT WRONG - Opening Night Film and Reception

This intense drama juxtaposes the lives of two fathers. One is an increasingly unhinged TV celebrity who, having hit rock bottom, is anxious to win the affection of his estranged young daughter. The other, smug and seemingly successful, is in total denial of his shaky career prospects and the fraying of his marriage. Life brings the two men together in a situation that captures the heartache lurking in each man's psyche.| Nominated for five Hellenic Film Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director (Haris Vafeiadis, Best Screenplay (Vafeiadis), Best Actor (Thanos Tokakis). | Manhattan screening is followed by audience Q&A with lead actor Thanos Tokakis.

  • Thanos Tokakis, Mihalis Siriopoulos, Hristina Heila-Fameli, Maro Papdopoulou
  • Haris Vafeiadis
  • New York Premiere
  • 96 minutes
  • Mature audiences only - brief nudity, adult situations
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About Hellenic Film Society USA

The Hellenic Film Society USA is dedicated to promoting Greek cinema throughout the United States. Our mission is to share the richness of Greek films with a wider American audience, to showcase Greek movies, and to preserve the film heritage of Greece.