This satirical dark comedy centers on the hapless son of famous actors who is given a chance to earn his own place in the public eye by hosting a late-night TV talk show. Things get complicated when a fake love affair with an eccentric singer is set up to enhance his public image. | Followed by audience Q&A with director Vasilis Christofilakis

  • Vasilis Christofilakis, Elli Tringou, Natasa Exintaveloni
  • Vasilis Christofilakis
  • New York Premier
  • In Greek With English Subtitles
  • 88 minutes
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About Hellenic Film Society USA

The Hellenic Film Society USA is dedicated to promoting Greek cinema throughout the United States. Our mission is to share the richness of Greek films with a wider American audience, to showcase Greek movies, and to preserve the film heritage of Greece.